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In today's New York Times 'Metro' section, there's an article about charges against Rosario Dawson being dropped after she was arrested at an anti-RNC rally last year. Dawson was apparently filming a scene for a movie when she got popped.

According to The Times' Sabrina Tavernise:

In the case of Ms. Dawson, she and two co-defendants, Stephen Marshall and Vija Grosgalves, were filming a movie in which Ms. Dawson plays a woman who becomes radicalized after her husband, a soldier, is killed in Iraq.

What? No plug for the movie? No name? No mention of Sundance?

Man, that hurts... the movie's publicity department.

Well, This Revolution is a gritty docu-drama inspired by 1969's Medium Cool, starring Rosario Dawson as Tina Santiago.

Nathan Crooker is Jake Cassevetes:

a world renowned shooter just back from being embedded during the U.S. invasion of Iraq. As a well-paid stringer for the networks, Jake does not buy into the currently vogue, left-wing conspiracy theory of a corporate-controlled press. But, after discovering much of his best footage in Iraq was censored by the network, Jake is growing disillusioned with his corporate masters. When he gets an assignment to shoot on the streets of the Republican National Convention protests, he meets Seven, one of the young leaders of the masked anarchist Black Bloc. Jake quickly wins the trust of the group and is allowed to shadow them as they move through the demo. Later that night, after shooting Seven with her mask down describing the Bloc's militant objectives, the videotape is mistakenly returned to the network with the rest of his footage. When he goes to retrieve the tape, he is told the network made a deal with Homeland Security to review all footage to look for potential terror suspects. Realizing the danger he has brought to Seven and the Black Bloc itself, Jake decides to use his skills and access at the network to jam the government controlled corporate media and broadcast the truth of the protests and the message of a new generation of activists.

See, that's how you plug. That gripping, edge-of-your-seat description comes from the film's own director, Stephen Marshall, who helpfully wrote his own IMDB blurb.

We're just sad Dawson couldn't star in one of those hot women in prison films.

Actress's Case Is Dismissed in G.O.P. Protests [NYT]
This Revolution [IMDB]