According to today's New York Times, Miramax might be releasing 22 films in the next seven months as the Brothers Grimm—we mean Weinstein—prepare to leave Disney (cue: Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive").

Here's how The Times' Sharon Waxman and David M. Halbfinger describe the coming Miramax avalanche:

The large number of expected releases is a 180-degree turn for Miramax, which had scaled back operations amid employee layoffs over the last six months. It is an attempt, as one company executive put it, to "clean the pipeline" before its corporate parent, the Walt Disney Company, puts the unit in the hands of new managers.

"Clean the pipeline," eh? An entirely different metaphor came to mind for us, but it sure as hell ain't clean.

A Flush of Miramax Films Before a New Regime [NYT]