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From the brightly colored heroin distribution center in Bryant Park, Jessica emerges with a special report on the Cynthia Rowley show:

Somehow, I managed to be sitting three seats away from an offensively blonde Lizzie Grubman (her features look a little...softer? Who's her doctor?) and directly across from Bazaar editor Glenda Bailey. I didn't really see what was going on with the models or whatever, but that was because I was completely focused on Glenda. And Glenda was completely focused on the runway—as in, the actual floor of the runway. Maybe she was tired (it was late and, if possible, everyone was bitchier than usual), but something wasn't right. Rather than watch the show, Glenda the Good Witch spent most of the time staring at the ground with a lithium-glazed look in her eyes and strange smile on her face. At one point, she held her pen and notepad as if she were writing something, but the pen just kind of grazed back and forth on the paper. Seriously, is she okay? Could she be reflecting on her last Fashion Week at the helm? (Pure speculation.) Or is she imagining deputy editor Sarah Bailey's head on a stick?