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Aside from winning the award for Our Favoritest Graphic Ever, does some solid analysis on the career of Donald Trump's newly-captured bride, Melania Knauss and the "title inflation" effect:

Back in April and May 2004 — when Trump and Knauss' engagement became public — we found 104 press mentions of Knauss that mentioned her occupation. In 101 of them, she was described as a model. In three, a supermodel.

Fast forward to this month, when we found 212 mentions of Knauss' job. She was identified as a supermodel in 33 of them. In other words, a model who was rated a supermodel 3% of the time eight months ago got bumped up to being a supermodel 16% of the time today.

See? She didn't just marry him for his money.
The Five Dumbest Things On Wall Street This Week [The Street]