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Ever wonder what life is like after winning UPN's reality modeling competition, America's Next Top Model? Well, if seeing the first winner, Adrianne Curry, shame herself on VH1's Surreal Life wasn't answer enough, a reader reports that second season victor Yoanna House isn't exactly living a glamourous life on the runway:

Saw Yoanna, the America's Next Top Model has-been at a casting for a Tylenol PM ad, Friday morning in Chelsea. We, ahem, the models were told to come bare-faced (no make-up, that is) and she showed up in full-spackle in what would appear to be an attempt to camoflage a less-than-flawless complexion. AND she signed in with a huge, black Sharpie in lieu of the blue ball-point used by everyone else, so her name stuck out like a sore thumb. She hung around long enough after, in an apparent attempt for someone to recognize her presence, which didn't happen. So she inquired as to the whereabouts of the ladies' room, in complete ignorance of the HUGE sign stating "restrooms, 2nd floor" at her right.

Oh, the horror. Did that Sephora cover not do anything for poor Yoanna's career? Someone please save this reality champ from the life of an average-looking commoner! Karl? Ralph? Tommy? Yohji? McFly?