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Last night FORD Models held their annual "Supermodel of the World" fashion show to pick three lucky girls who skipped the indignity of a reality tv show to get cash prizes and modeling contracts. Gawker's Andrew Krucoff and photographer Nikola Tamindzic missed the runway show, arrived late to the party (even had problems attempting to get into CO-ED mag's launch party around the corner!), but manage to salvage the evening with these photos of hot hangers-on.

We arrived at The Tunnel at 8pm and the list is already closed. No soup for us. We were told to come back around 9:30 when the runway show was over and the party will begin.

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Moping around the barren avenues of the way westside we almost called it a night until we saw a sign from the Party God above. We stumbled upon the club Spirit, where the CO-ED magazine logo was projected on the side of the building.

Not the worst substitute for a supermodel party: future i-bankers still in school, fewer pretty girls, and fewer gays. (Much like Splenda: same shallow sugary taste, only the DNA is tweaked a bit.) We recognized a friend waiting out front and it turned out his current girlfriend was inside and that she's also the ex-girlfriend of the Executive Editor, Kirk Miller.

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Unfortunately, this loose connection failed to get us in without paying twenty bucks. She reported back that when asked of our impromptu request to cover the event, Miller replied, "Gawker? You mean the people who trashed us the other day?" But like a true mensch, he still tracked down the publicist who responded, "Gawker? You mean the people who trashed us the other day?"

CORRECTION: Kirk Miller tried his best to get us in but he couldn't find the publicist. The second quote was made by someone else. He then had party hosting duties to take care of so our chances of getting in died right there. We sincerely appreciated the effort.

We killed some more time admiring the local architecture and headed back to the FORD party.

At 10:45, there was no line or credential checkers. We breezed through like it was the entrance to the Staten Island ferry. And just like at the ferry, this hour was remarkable for the bottom-of-the-whiskey-barrel crowd. Only better dressed.

We spotted Trump's Apprentice winner, Kelly Perdew, while his girlfriend/publicist/groupie pleaded to us that she's famous too. (Pictured together at top.) UPDATE: Yes, of course that's twice shit-canned Apprentice Jen C. Thanks for playing along at home! Harvard kid Andy was playing sidekick to Kelly all night, looking bored, like he needed someone to talk to.

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I asked a guy waiting for a drink at the bar if he saw the runway show and had any thoughts about it. He happily slurred it was "awesome." Fantastic insight, you heard it here first: Awesome.

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The night came to an end when security asked us to stop taking pictures. "No problem," we slurred back. As for the gallery of fabulous nobodies below, just admire the pretty faces because there aren't any bold-face names. But, hey, it's still pretty awesome.

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UPDATE: A reader writes, "Hey, wait a second ... that's All My Children's *Eva LaRue* in the third picture from the bottom at left. She's a bold-faced name for anyone who watches ABC Daytime. Best known at the moment for getting divorced from her real-life husband John Callaghan while her character Dr. Maria Santos (neurosurgeon, what else) is doing same from Edmund Burke, played by John Callagahn."