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New York Social Diary, the delightfully-complicated log of socialite life as told by David Patrick Columbia, addresses the issue of Fabian Basabe, in light of his straight-n-earnest wedding to Martina Borgomanero. But what does Columbia think of Basabe The Man? In a recent entry, Columbia writes:

Mr. Basabe is Out There. By his own choice, I presume. And like all of those who are Out There, he wants to be noticed. And being noticed cultivates public observation. (Just as it does in private.) And at times what one sees is mystifying.

Well, we're certainly mystified. What's Columbia getting at? Should we be snickering at Basabe or captivated by him? We contacted Columbia for comment and clarification, and he kindly responded:

I got the feeling I had to see him on the dance floor to catch a piece of the personality. And I've never seen him on the dance floor. He seemed almost shy, except we know anyone who's that Out There is not shy. I think it's all in the Showing Up.

Ah, still vague. We know what that means... No, actually, we still have no idea what the hell is going on.
Wedding Scrapbooks [NYSD]