Lost amid the hullabaloo about Pale Male, the hawk evicted from his rent-controlled Fifth Avenue aerie, are the real victims: Nora Ephron fans.

Ephron, the often amusing journalist-turned-frequently twee auteur of movies our mothers love, had plans to make a movie that used Pale Male as a plot device. (No, to our knowledge the film was not to be called You've Got Pale Male.) How can Ephron make a movie about a bird that's been forced to fly the coop? (Or is this just the perfect denouement? Get us a copy of Final Draft forthwith!)

Up next for Ephron fans: Another film about an exotic bird of prey: Bewitched starring Nicole Kidman.
A Movie Star Who Favors Pigeon Meat [NYT, May 31, 2002, via Birding On the Net]
Newly Homeless Above 5th Ave., Hawks Have Little to Build On [NYT]
Homeless hawks [NYD]