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As part of the continued homosexualization of New York magazine, allow us to point out the Look Book, in which (from what we can tell) intrepid reporters grab a well-to-do passerby who happens to be dressed ridiculously and then interview him/her about their "style." Um, while we're sure this week's subject, Josh Miller, is all fine and dandy with his ugly Coach bag, we certainly wouldn't do him. And what good is a magazine if it's not full of people you want to sleep with?

Then again, maybe our tastes at Gawker HQ run a little different. So we ran Josh by some special ladies to see what they thought. No pity fucks after the jump, to be sure.

Judge Claire Zulkey:
Doability: 3/10 I would not do this fellow, I'm sorry. He's obviously working really hard, but it's not working for me. He seems like an eager chap, but the rich boy meets thrift store hipster only works in magazines.

What's good:
The dog.
The farm.
The Brooks Brothers sweater.

What's bad:
The hat.
The thrift store jacket (the contagious grandpa smell will probably actually end up taking away points from the Brooks Brothers sweater.)
The collar. You can afford a Coach bag, and you can't afford an extra second in the mirror to put it down? PUT IT DOWN. Collars up only works for James Spader 20 years ago and when it's cold out. Half collar up works never.
The Coach bag. Were we dating, I would be mad that you went to Coach and brought me nothing.
The Thin Red Line suuucked.

However, he seems like an ok fellow, so while his fashion sense wouldn't woo me, I probably wouldn't mind a weekend in Sullivan County romping with the dog. When we're doing it, though, please refrain from talking about style icons, Oscar Wilde, or Jean-Luc Godard. And for god's sake, take off the hat!

Judge Lindsay Robertson
Doability: .5/10
He buys "one watch every ten years?" He's old.
"Details meets circus clown." More like Patrick Bateman meets Shriner.
He bought a farm just for his dog? Is commentary really necessary on that?
"Jean-Luc Godard movies-Alain Delon or Jean-Paul Belmondo. That sounds pretentious, though."
Yes. Yes it does.
"The hat and tie really look Jack Spade, but don't make me sound like a fashion victim!" Knowing who designed every item of clothing they own is what people do instead of being interesting or having a personality.

If I had to do something to this guy it would involve flicking that stupid hat to the ground and stepping on it with my Isaac Misrahi for Target T-strap heels. And he'd probably like it. I don't know what's in that obnoxious yellow bag, but it had better vibrate.

Judge Bradford Shellhammer
Doability: 8/10
You straight women want it all. Take a pointer from a fag: sometimes you just got to settle. You want men who have it all: job, looks, personality. You always rate "funny" as a top neccessity in men. Then you see some chap, obviously funny, in a magazine and you rip him a new asshole. No wonder I suck dick.

The big reason he is doable is that he takes risks. The yellow bag: big risk. To me it shows he likes good quality (alas, its no Hermes) but also not afraid to laugh at himself. It shows he is creative and funny. It shows he is not afraid to be called a fag on the street.

The hat too is a big risk. The hat is the perfect compliment to a fall look. The layered look of vintage with high quality classics works. He looks put together, but not too put together; he looks young, but not too young. He looks like he does his own thing and does not care what others think. That is sexy.

I do agree on the collar. That is dumb. Keep it down. Nobody is perfect.

One of your female critiques state "Knowing who designed every item of clothing they own is what people do instead of being interesting or having a personality." Um, lady, get it right. Those who don't know who designed their clothing are not interesting. They are poor. If you could afford YSL, Etro, or even, gasp, Coach then I am sure you would remember. You only remember things worth remembering, doll.

Josh Miller - The Look Book