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Why anyone would dare bring an edible item near Bryant Park right now is totally beyond us, but if you're bold enough to ingest anything besides Colombian pixie dust in front of the emaciated wonders of Fashion Week, we tip our nonexistent hats to you. A daring reader reports on a lunchtime observation session and manages to stomach food whilst staring at Nicole Richie:

Spent my lunch hour at the tents in Bryant Park, which is across from my building, gawking along with lots of other people at Fashion Week tragedy.

I hungrily chowed down on my lunch while watching the skinniest girls in the universe come out the back door after their shows, which always makes me hungrier. Some of them were breathtakingly gorgeous and gamine, like living pixies, some looked like someone's skanky younger brother, and some just looked lost, but they were all a little insect-like, but with great hair.

The guys next to me had good fun with the models. One walked out with a tiny bowl of something and a bagel. The one guy said "It'll be back up in an hour." The other guy said, "Watch, the birds just follow them, knowing that the bagel will be theirs sooner or later." AWESOME.

Overall, all the 'help'- photographers, stylists, assistants, etc. had much more style/looked overall more fab than the models.

I got a good look at Nicole Richie- she's v. petite in person (you know how she always looks sorta chubby next to Paris? well Paris must be truly freakish, because Nicole is tiny and v. slim). She had on a great multilayered skirt and a top with jacket. Her hair was half up/half down and was styled to within an inch of it's life- looked great I mean, and all her skin was glowey. I'd like to get whatever moisturizer/body shellack she uses for my pale ass. Was with some scruffy fellow and someone else. she went in the back entrance of the tents- is that where everyone enters?

So models like to barf and Nicole Richie is over-styled? What a learning experience Fashion Week is for us all.