Sometimes we're really glad we don't have to leave the house. Seriously, if we did, we'd see this sort of acid-trip stuff and our heads would spontaneously implode:

There are 2 enormous flatbed trucks rolling down Broadway with models standing around on them in Michael Kors fall collection outfits, pretending to chat amiably despite the fact that they re wearing wool jersey dresses in 80 degree sauna-heat. Apparently they re debarking for a big fashion show at Macy s. It would all be terribly glamorous if:

a) there weren t speakers attached to the trucks, blaring Electric Light Orchestra s greatest hits.

b) the clothes themselves didn t harken back to the Halston III for JC Penney collection. Not sexy.

There's so much wrong with this image that we're not sure what about it is the most deplorable. Is it the fact that models are actually exposed to the elements? Is it their forced cordiality? Is it the inevitable sounds of Mr. Blue Sky? Or is it the reminder of Halston's descent into bargain design?