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Vogue editrix Anna Wintour seems to think the rules of fashion don't apply to her own Siberian self. That explains the atrocious outfit at right, which inspires a certain what-the-fuck moment in us all:

It seems Ms. Wintour has taken a job at Fogue (a.k.a. Fugly Vogue), and is trying to dress the part by wearing no fewer than three garments on her upper body alone: A t-shirt, a thin and messy black cardigan, and some sort of nylon half-sleeved jacket, all of which are different lengths and styles. Her skirt looks like she accidentally brushed up against some wet graffiti. She is giving off the impression that being fashionable and trendy equals putting on as many things from your closet as you can find, all at once.

You know, we haven't gotten past page 437 of the September Vogue to see if this trend is covered, but we're guessing it's not.
New York Fugshion Week: Anna Wintour [Go Fug Yourself]