Lord knows we can't get enough of Holly Dunlap, shoe designer and professional WASP about town. When she's not designing $600 stilettos and dresses for her Hollywould line of fripperies or traipsing about evil VIP clubs, Holly is schmoozing with the folks at the Observer. The slightly-too-friendly profile on Dunlap borderlines on nauseating, but we can appreciate the anecdotal charm of her descent into alcoholism:

"I was really drunk, and everyone who knows me knew I was drunk, and there were these protesters outside who looked like PETA protesters, and they had my head on a stick," she said. "So I went over there to ask them why they had my head on a stick. They told me they were protesting Perry Ellis, whose name was on the award I had been nominated for. So I was like, 'O.K., whatever, but that picture? Where did you guys find that picture of me? Because it s really flattering! Can I get my picture taken with you guys holding a stick with my head on top of it?'"

Holly's head on a stick? Finally, PETA does something we can agree with.
Tipsy Good-Time Gal Struts In Stilettos [Observer]