There was some sort of Gillette-sponsored leg-judging competition in Times Square last week that we missed, thankfully. The New York Times' Boldfaced Names was on hand, of course, to interview fierce leg-competitors Hilary and Haylie Duff. Which Duff is which? Aww, who cares?

Boldface: "What's the criteria for judging legs?"
Duff: "I think it's um, tone - "
Duff: "Shape."
Duff: "Tone - and what's the other one?''
Duff: "And all-around appearance."
Boldface: "And shaved, right?"
Duff: "And, of course, shaved; it's gotta be shaved. And they should have used their, um, Venus Divine Gillette razor."

Are Kathy and Rick Hilton paying these girls so we don't think Paris and Nikki are the stupid ones anymore?
The Talented One is Ms. Duff [NYT]