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For our ongoing examination of how the other 1/10th lives, photographer Eliot Shepard and Staff Drinker Andrew Krucoff weaseled their way into designer Diane von Furstenberg's studio the other night for a party in honor of a magazine we'd never heard of — aRude, published by the conceptual photographer Ike Ude.

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This image was lost some time after publication.
This image was lost some time after publication.

Celebrating the international magazine's "CHARMED issue" were a host of artists, models, photographers, eccentric society types, and gays. Lots of 'em. Just another party at the DVF Studio, right? We had the over-exposed and Style-section-often-photographed man about town Patrick McDonald in the house showing off his Sinatra pork-pie hat. Can we be frank, Frank? Time for a new look! Publisher (and friend of/fellow dandy with Patrick) Ike Ude can pull off the whole "frowning and looking imperious" in his white suit and fucked-up hair. I thought his disdain for me would result in puke on my face when we briefly chatted. Charmed, I'm sure. Then I saw a WHITE man in a white suit and *I* nearly puked. We almost had a full-scale epidemic in our hands — and on the floor.

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This image was lost some time after publication.
This image was lost some time after publication.

The rumor that Martha Stewart was making an appearance died in the pan (along with a fistful of the biggest jumbo shrimp I've ever seen in my life) but a guy named Eliot Jordan was there and he sells castles. He was carrying around a printout of this photo He also sells townhouses. As for the rest of the people, it was a who's who of "who? who?" but damn if that isn't a younger, transgendered Donatella Versace in one of the photos.

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This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.
This image was lost some time after publication.

For a magazine focused on "style, art, fashion, culture, scenes and beyond" it was all there, especially the beyond part. We left a trail of shrimp shells (and apparently a cigarette in DVF's handprints on the sidewalk out front) behind us and made our own after-party at Welcome to the Johnson's where we clutched PBR's with the last remaining bits of our dignity.

This image was lost some time after publication.