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We've been concerned for some time about the death of ugly hair — a defining characteristic of the post-9/11 Manhattan era, now ugly hair seems to have been replaced by, well, pretty hair. Last night, one of the not-so-nice gays from the Datalounge gossip bulletin boards blew a gasket over the premature death of the fauxhawk:

Ok motherfuckers, I am tired of any kind of trend getting bashed to a premature death on the internet. First you did it to electroclash. Then it was vintage clothes. Now you're doing it to faux hawks. Do you wonder why this decade doesn't yet have any kind of recognizable look or style? Because fashions which in the 90s might have had a 4 year life cycle are now reduced to 18 months at best...

...their deaths abetted by the derisive cackling of so many bloggers. What's better than a faux hawk, I ask you, fawx hawk bashers? Have you discovered some new, miraculously stylish cut that you just refuse to share with the world, a cut so mod and vogue that it is veritably "underground"? Are you instead some washed up, aging, bitter and resentful mo, unable to let the young enjoy being young? Or maybe you just plop the same goop of $60 a jar whatever into your hair, push it up, and call that a style? Fuck you. Take your acrid dismissals and shove them up your Wet Platinum-encrusted ass.

Fauxhawk [Data Lounge]