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The NYTimes tries to solve the riddle of fashion magazine Harper's Bazaar current schizophrenic condition. On one hand, newsstand sales and ad pages are up, but then there's also an image problem: the magazine is deemed "uncool" and confusing. Editorial direction resembles a broken compass and each issue has two covers: newsstand version gets the tight-fitting clothes treatment while subscribers receive something a bit less titty. At the helm of this good/bad wave is editor Glenda Bailey who's been getting dragged (like a horse?) through Page Six lately. Loads of high-profile defections don't help anyone's cause but one reader suspects the gossip column hounding could be New York Post's Elisa Lipsky-Karasz. She was none other than Glenda's personal assistant at Bazaar (as well as predecessor Kate Betts's before Bailey). Mmm, the stories she could tell...

Harper's Bazaar Says It's Just Fine [New York Times]
Glenda Bailey: Fire Your Staff? Get Hated On [Gawker]