Philip Bloch, "Hollywood stylist," goes insane on fashion week in Toronto in today's National Post:

"I have to ask myself, though, why am I not seeing the trends that I am seeing around the world on the runway? There were trumpet skirts in every city: Why am I not seeing them here? Fur was in every show in every city: Why am I barely seeing it here? I've seen bows in every collection around the world. I'm barely seeing bows here. Why?"

"I mean, I have to say, there is dirt on the runway," he mock whispered, as organizers in the audience winced. "It sounds ridiculous, but you would never see dirt on the runway in any other place in the world. It's the little details that matter and I'm not picking on anyone ... when I can see the price tags on the bottom of shoes going back on the runway, it's not good. If I can see it, Anna Wintour can see it. It's a small thing. Scrape the damn label off the shoe. Hello?"

"Where is the Mayor? I haven't seen him in three days. Where is the Mayor's wife? Why is there no Paris Hilton? Well, OK, who needs the sex scandal?

A Dressing Down From the Guru [National Post, reg req]