Two conflicting reader reports on Trump's mess of a hairdo:

No way is The Donald doing a comb-over. (Ask any of the hairdressers on Gawker's snitch payroll.) Note the light patches toward left forehead and temple, where the toupee barely covers the skin. They clearly show the balding beneath. Alas, The Don, like much of male America, has male-pattern baldness... It's a perfect example of the corruption of power: that no one around you will tell you the truth. Shame on you, Donald: the toupee makes you look like an ass, which undermines your power. No one told you because they knew you won't listen. Or worse, they did tell you, and you didn't listen (or had them fired).Do Gothamites a favor and consider shaving it: let us see the cranium covering the brain that made you the formidable (and often questionnable) guy that you are. You might attract a woman worthy of being your mate, rather than one whose talents are limited to mating with your checkbook.

and, taking the rebuttal:

Okay, my wife and I sat behind Trump in Louis Armstrong Stadium during last year's U.S. Open. We were a half a dozen rows behind him, and we had binoculars. I can say in no uncertain terms, that is an epic combover. I just confirmed this with my wife, who quite logically stated, "Definitely, who would pay money for that?" It actually begins somewhere behind his ears and swirls forward in a sort of golden wave. Impossible to guess where his actual hairline is at this point.