At P. Diddy's sweatshops, "workers were subjected to daily body searches, provided with contaminated drinking water, and expected to work 11 to 12 hour days. According to the report, labourers were paid about 24 cents per Sean John sweat shirt they sewed." Ironically, 24 cents is a whole lot less than people in the United States were paid to wear them.

That's what I hate about all those sweatshop clothes. You can totally tell the workers were all degraded — just look at the bad stitching. It upsets me! Sometimes I'll buy a new coat or something and there'll even be a bloody fingerprint on it, which takes ages to scrub off. Well, to have my dry cleaner scrub it off, really.
P Diddy Sweathshop Controversy [Much Music]
A Hip-Hop Star's Fashion Line... [NYT]