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As you undoubtedly know, the New York Times has officially named Stefano Tonchi as style editor.

Mr. Tonchi will report to the newly-installed editor of the NYT Magazine, Gerry Marzorati. He's been at Esquire since 1998, paused at J. Crew and Self in the mid-90s, and made his mark at L'Uomo Vogue from 1987 to 1994. Reportedly, in the ludicrous words of Brandusa Niro, editor-in-chief of Fashion Week's The Daily, "Fashionistas exclaim 'Magnifico!' every time Stefano's name is mentioned." Sort of like Frau Blucher and the horses in Young Frankenstein.

Here's a little bluffer's guide on Tonchi:

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- The Times mag has been heavy on female actors in recent fashion issues; now expect more male actors, fewer male models. Tonchi has stuck by the theory that men relate far more to real men — and successful men — than to everyday pretty boys.
- Do not insult the work of performance/installation artist and queen of the uniform Vanessa Beecroft in his presence.
- Think Italian. In fact, speak Italian.
- Skinny is over, he proclaimed this July, proving himself ready to think outside the emaciated box. Of course, he also predicted the death of casual Fridays in 2000, but who could have predicted that whole 9/11/recession thing back then?
The NYT Magazine Names Stefano Tonchi Style Editor... [NYT]