Fashion junkie Meghan Stier gives a run-down on lessons learned from VH1's "When Supermodels Ruled The World":

"-During the '80's, the media became obsessed with models to an INSANE degree! It was unheard of! Staggering! Never before seen!
-Suddenly there was all this pressure to "be on, to look perfect, to dress perfect, to eat perfect, because everyone is watching you." Yeah, and also because if you're a model, that's your job...
-Cindy and her mole had their media ups and downs
-George Michael's "Freedom" is the official supermodel anthem
-Janice Dickenson is really pissed there are no more supermodels to continue her "legacy"
-Every girl has her nudie limits
-Modeling is not as glamorous as it seems. Sometimes you have to get up really early, and sometimes you have to not eat. Although bricklaying is harder."
Last Night's Lessons From 'When Supermodels Ruled The World' (VH1) [MegaStyles]