Crude, lusty, and just generally offensive, photographer Helmut Newton should be the posterboy for fashion week. According to the Times, Mr. Newton's "[influence has] no better example of that than Tom Ford, whose fall collection for Yves Saint Laurent contains Lucite jewelry based on his memory of Mr. Newton's late 70's series of naked women in orthopedic body braces. 'I was very aware of his twisted sexual fantasies as I was growing up in the 70's,' Mr. Ford said. 'Every one of them has some sort of debauched setting and the subtlest layers of meaning. It was shocking, stunning and nauseating...'" In a related fashion week summary article:

"At [Michael] Kors's show Wednesday morning, Melanie Griffith sat in the front row wearing an outfit from this season's Kors line that made her look like a biker chick, all black leather and bristling studs. [...] 'I looked at her and I said: "Whoa! What's she wearing?" I had to remember I had designed it for what is actually the current season,' Mr. Kors said." Poor Melanie: shocking, stunning, and nauseating.
The 'King of Kink' Made Naughty Fashionable [NYT]
For Spring Lines, Colors and Retailers Return [NYT]