Speaking of metrosexuals, John Paul Gaultier has launched a line of makeup for men. (I blame electroclash for convincing men that the Ziggy Stardust-style eyeliner was making a comeback.) Early reviews from men who were asked to try it:
·"Dennis, you can't go out like that. Your eyeliner is wonky and you've got lipstick on your teeth. Still, at least now we'll always know whose beer is whose: we'll be able to tell by the lipstick traces."
· "I must say I look almost healthy for once. But once you've started with this stuff you've got to keep using it to maintain the illusion. Imagine that: a row of us touching up our eyes at China White's. We'd get our heads kicked in. Still, does this eyeliner make my eyes look bluer? Is it waterproof?"
Dennis, your lipliner's wonky [Independent]