In an article on, Nichole Robertson laments the people that still must be first to wear whatever the "Carrie Bradshaw" character was wearing in the most recent episode of "Sex and the City": "A few weeks ago, during the season premiere of Sex and the City, Carrie, played by Sarah Jessica Parker, wore a mess (at least twenty) of jet-black bobby pins in her highlighted blond hair. There was no rhyme or reason to their odd placement. It looked like her stylist just threw a handful of bobby pins at Carrie's hair to see how many would stick...In the days following the premiere, the walk to my 6th Avenue office proved that the Carrie disciples had fully embraced the bobby pin look. It started out slowlyjust one or two girls proudly sporting an almost-acceptable one or two bobby pins. But soon the numbers grew. More and more young women clipped on more and more bobby pins. Five. Ten. Twenty. It was unbelievable." Asks Ms. Robertson, "If Carrie got a tattoo of Mr. Big's member on her forehead, would the copycats inevitably do the same?" Of course they would, Nichole. They're sheep. Sheep, I tell you. There's only one acceptable course of action here: you must make an ironic t-shirt that says ["Sex and the City" designer/stylist] "Patricia Field is just fucking with you." Then you must wear it to the office.
[ADDITIONAL NOTE: Sex and the City, filming today: Place: East 92nd st, Btwn Park and Madison, Time: 7am to 10pm]
Bobby pins are the new black []