Salon recently asked me to profile Ken Courtney (of "I fucked Chloe Sevigny" t-shirt/Ju$t Another Rich Kid fame) and it appears that the ironic fashion backlash has begun. A sample from Ken's hate mail: "I saw your site and have this to say: I hate you and everything you represent. Your 'clothes' are a fuckin' scam. Whatever it is that you consider 'cool' fucking sucks. Anyone stupid enough to buy your bullshit deserves to wear it so that when they are seen in the street, everyone will know that they are retarded. You iron on ugly letters, inane artfag phrases, and wack images onto thrift store refuse, then sell it for a lot of money to assholes who think they are so fucking stylish. YOU HAVE NO SOUL. You and your ilk are a bunch of T. Rex lookin, Fraggle Rock rejects who need to bathe. You are wack enough to get off on this hate-letter. DIE." Ken, of course, created an ad out of the email. The phrase "T. Rex lookin, Fraggle Rock rejects" is circled in red. (Targeted marketing.)
Flagrante t-shirt-o [Salon]