USA Today has an article about how trucker hats are "so five minutes ago" (their exact words.) Now I know it may seem surprising to you that USA Todaycutting edge style publication that it ishas been so quick to realize that the hats are not only ugly and absurd, but passe even in Williamsburg. It shouldn't be. As we all know, Gawker secretly controls the fashion industry. My intern, Lindsay, scours fashion magazines and marks obnoxious trends with a rubber stamp that says "Sooooo _____ ago." Then she fills out the with the appropriate number of minutes or years and sends them back to Anna Wintour. Then Anna changes it for the next issue. And that's how the sausage gets made! (Don't tell anyone.) With newspapers it's a little different; we just force them to read Gawker. If you'll notice, our blue-collar chic theory made an appearance in the article: "Cool is to style yourself as a burly blue-collar working man with a penchant for Pabst Blue Ribbon." Our plan is working! MUA ha ha ha!
Everything is so 5 minutes ago [USA Today]