The Houston Press reports on blanket media coverage of trucker hats (and reports that they are still, in some parts of the country, considered hip): "On May 18, the ultratrendy Sunday Style section of The New York Times reported on the death of the latest fashion fad: No one, absolutely no one, is wearing reverse-chic gimme caps anymore...Declared the Times: 'R.I.P. the trucker hat, a fashion statement that traveled from downtown to the mall so swiftly it is still below the radar of most mainstream fashion publications.' Hey, don't include our own Houston Chronicle in that group of negligent radar operators. Ten days after the Times story on how passe the hats had become, the Chron told readers how amazingly hot and chic they were. The story was a reprint from that noted arbiter of fashion, the Colorado Springs Gazette." I'm pretty sure there's a formula for determining when some fashion trend was actually cool and cutting edge based on Style section coveragei.e., Style section minus t, t=?.
Hard news baby, what's hot, what's not [Houston Press]