Readers in places where they're not worn ironically note that they're not actually called "trucker hats": "As a Texan who has zero interest in the Hilton sisters and is disgusted by the Manhattan real estate market, I'm befuddled and a little frightened to have become a regular reader of your site. I don't know what this addiction reveals about my inner Yuppie, but I think it's a compliment to your writing. Anyway, as a person who grew up around 'trucker hats' and knew guys who wore them eight years ago as a genuine rejection of hipness, I can provide you with some below-the-radar (and below-the-RADAR, since everyone in NYC seems obsessed with this mag) info: The proper term is 'gimme cap.' As in, 'Some John Deere rep gimme this cap when I went to look at a new tractor.' I don't think anyone outside a 100XX zip code would ever call it a 'mesh' cap. Go forth and ridicule the faux-rednecks around you."

Another out-of-towner responds: "Not only am I sick of trucker hats on trendie toadies, but I'm sick of hearing them called 'trucker' hats. Where I'm from (The Okie-filled Central Valley of Northern California) they're called "gimme" hats, as in "gimme a hat", because the only way proper way to acquire one is as a freebie handed out by fertilizer, seed, and agricultural equipment salesmen. I know plenty of good, upstanding yeoman farmers who have dozens and dozens of the things. However, the best I ever saw was one that bore the corporate motto of a firm specializing in artificial insemination for cattle. That motto? In big block letters 'Guaranteed Sperm.'"

And still more: "thought you'd like to know, although i'm sure i'm not the only person apprising you of this, that mayor quimby was sporting a trucker hat with a neptunes nuclear symbol on sunday's season finale of the simpsons. it was pulled down to his right. what's that, park slope? by the way, i was once a trucker (i'm now a writer) and still own a trucker hat which says 'king of the road' on it. can i get a ruling on whether i can wear it? i live in kentucky, but i'm somewhat of an 'indie fucktard.'"
[Ed. noteIt depends; how much of an indie fucktard?]