The trucker hat debate rages on. More reader-submitted venomous rage:
"I don't know if I'd call it Blue Collar Chic so much as Hip-or-Retarded. Although these morons could legitimately be mistaken for Winn-Dixie parking lot scuzzes, they look so much like group-home dwellers that it's sometimes hard to figure out. Between the velcro-fastened shoes, the stained double-knit slacks, ill-fitting donated shirts, army-issue glasses, the aforementioned trucker hats worn on an angle, poor grooming and various keys and wallets affixed to the belt, there's often no way to tell who's a zine writer and who just got a hug for coming in 7th in a "special" race. It could be fun to start a web site similar to the old Gay-or-European to sort the wheat from the chaff. I'll volunteer my time to stand on Ave. B and photograph these greasy losers. We could then find some otherly-abled individuals with which to compare them."