· Esquire is setting up a party pad in one of Donald Trump's buildings. [Page Six]
· Pataki's suspiciously red eyes attributed to contact lenses. [Page Six]
· Oliver Stone's next movie is a film about Yasser Arafat titled "Persona Non Grata." [Page Six]
· Architect Daniel Libeskind has problems with calling Ground Zero "the pit." [Page Six]
· Chicago producer Marty Richards almost missed getting into the Golden Globes ceremony. [Cindy Adams]
· Christopher Walken rubs cats for pain relief. [Cindy Adams]
· Golden Globes starlets had to sign contracts stating that they'd wear the gowns they'd been given after designers got tired of actresses taking home the dresses and never wearing them. [Liz Smith]
· The Miramax Golden Globes after party was so crowded, Colin Farrell, Heath Ledger, and Shelley Morrison were turned away. Tommy Lee demanded that Penthouse Pets take their shirts off, at a recent Penthouse party, and when they refused to comply, he attempted to remove them himself. [NY Daily News]