Editor's note: On Tuesday night, we received an email from an anonymous tipster calling himself "Donald Duck."

Back in 2010 Zosia Mamet (Shoshanna from HBO's "Girls") tried to launch a rap career. (Remember her musical Kickstarter thing you broke last year? She's been pushing the music game for a long time.)

My friend shot this promo video for her but it went nowhere. They tried to bury it, but I got a hold of it and JUST put it up on Youtube.

Please don't reveal my name. I don't want any attention. I just kind of think it's actually a little good and it would be funny if everyone saw it.

We posted the video. (The original text of the blog post remains unedited below.) But we weren't the only people to receive the tip—our colleagues at Deadspin also got the exact same email, and posted the same video the next morning. Today, Samer Kalaf, the Deadspin writer who posted the video, received the following email:

Hi Samer,

First of all, love the gif of the girls "dancing"! Makes me chuckle every time...

But more to the point, I'm afraid it's all too good to be true. The "promo rap video" is nothing more than a rough cut of a film within a film — the former being the "music video" of "The Bananas" (more on that later), and the latter being [REDACTED], a just released feature length comedy...

[REDACTED] is "a satire about two struggling actresses who escape into a fantasy world to cope with rejection and hone their craft. Convinced their mysterious new neighbor is a talent agent, they take him hostage and demand acting careers as ransom." The Bananas is the name of the all-girl band/rap duo that is comprised of Zosia Mamet's and Jee Young Han's characters...

Anyhow, the 4+ minute video you have up is owned by Vertical Entertainment, and unfortunately they don't approve of its release.

That said, I convinced them to release a clip of it (see below)...

Would you please remove the extended version and replace it with the clip? You were apparently the only one clever enough to grab it from YouTube before it was taken down, so props for that.

In return, if you're interested, I'd be happy to provide you with another clip from the film (which no one else has, and of which you would be the first to release.) On my end, it would be great if you could hold off on the reveal of the truth until I get you the clip. That is, if you would be so kind as to oblige me...

Love what you guys are doing over at Deadspin. Thanks for all the great articles.

The video linked to in the email was posted by a Youtube user with the name "Donald Duck." (I've excised a link to the video, and the name of the movie, because fuck these people.)

To recap: A marketing team fake leaked a video of "pre-fame Zosia Mamet" rapping, then pulled the video from YouTube, and then sent an email to Deadspin asking that they replace the video with the rights-approved version. Fuck this cruel earth. Everything is garbage, including us. Gawker apologizes for posting a shitty fake Zosia Mamet rap video. We've replaced it below with a thematically similar video of greater entertainment value.

Zosia Mamet is an actress who portrays a Brooklyn hipster with an unrealistic life goal, both on the HBO show Girls and in this new four-minute rap video.

The promo surfaced on YouTube this week but according to a tipster, Mamet chased the life of spitting bars long before she ever pivoted to crowd-funded folk music.

Mamet's flow isn't terrible, if you're, say, a Kitty Pryde fan, but it's not hard to see why even Mamet kept this one under wraps.

So how does this rank in the recent annals of Girls headlines? Lena Dunham is definitely winning this week, but my money's on Jemima Kirke playing the long game. Unless that's just what Allison Williams wants us to believe.