Quirky bathrobe Zooey Deschanel is being sued by a horse owner because she allegedly injured a rented stallion named Literati (lol) so badly that he will never be the same again. Zooey Deschanel, what did you do?

According to TMZ, "hardcore equestrian" Deschanel leased Literati for $13,000 last year. Owner Patty Parker claims in her suit:

Deschanel signed a horse contract ... promising not to overwork [Literati] with restrictions that included "no more than 3 jumping lessons per week."

But Patty says ... when Deschanel returned the horse ... it was a shell of its former self — "injured and unusable." Sad.

Sad and mysterious. Where is Literati now? Is he okay? Zooey!!

If you know what Zooey Deschanel did to her horse, feel free to email me at allie@gawker.com.

[Photo via Getty]