Cell phones are great. But they are also replaceable. And certainly not worth dying for.

But not everyone agrees. A 22-year-old man risked his life for his iPhone early Saturday morning, and lost the gamble. Francisco Diego Jr. apparently dropped his phone on the subway tracks at Wakefield-241st Street in the East Bronx and jumped down to retrieve it. He was struck and killed by a No. 2 train.

Police say that the Bronx DJ, who went by the name Tech Trackz, was electrocuted before the train hit him. The MTA cautions people to alert an officer to retrieve dropped items, and apparently Diego did alert a toll booth clerk that he had dropped his phone. It's not clear why he then jumped down on the tracks anyway, but Diego's sister says he had done it before.

It's a disturbing trend — a woman in Brazil almost died in April going after her cell phone, but a security guard was able to pull her to safety just seconds before the train passed.

[via, photo via Shutterstock]