Photo: AP

Donald Trump’s candidacy has been hard on everyone, it’s true. But it’s been especially hard on his daughter, Ivanka—the one who people like.

Ivanka—like her brothers Donald, Jr. and the other one—works for the Trump Organization and does the occasional scene on The Apprentice. It’s been good for her brand, which includes clothing, shoes, accessories, and a Pinterest-aware Twitter feed, but it’s also positioned her as a sort of soothing counterpart to her extremely rude father, which in many ways isn’t as good for her brand but is still, ultimately, good for her brand?

Because things were already going great for her—she’s building her own lifestyle brand, she’s married to real estate developer and owner of the New York Observer, Jared Kushner, and if all else fails, her dad is worth a lot of money, whatever that amount may actually be.

The Washington Post has a rundown of some of the many ways her father’s explicitly racist campaign has affected her this year—among them the removal of her made-in-China clothing collection from the Trump Organization website (it’s still sold in stores.) She had to find two new acclaimed chefs for the $200 million Washington D.C. Trump Hotel project to replace the ones that quit when her father said most Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers. She maybe lost Chelsea Clinton as a friend.

At the same time, her once-very famous, now extremely famous last name is landing her in magazines like Vogue. Morning show hosts bring her on TV to ask her about parenting advice. She’s currently designing “something a little glam, a little baroque,” for the new hotel project, which, incredibly, weathered the resignations. She’s onstage at campaign rallies more than her father’s current wife, Melania. Tiffany doesn’t get to go onstage, like ever. Not the worst life—still life as Donald Trump’s daughter though.