Last week, police arrested Gaylard Williams, a 59-year-old Indiana pastor known for his homophobic preachings, for—well, what do you think? Louisville’s WLKY station supplies the only possible answer:

A southern Indiana pastor accused of making sexual advances on a 27-year-old man near a lake is charged with battery. Gaylard Williams, 59, is the pastor at the Praise Cathedral Church of God in Seymour. ... According to court documents, the victim told police that on Friday, Williams approached his vehicle that was parked at Cypress Lake. He said that when he rolled down his window, Williams grabbed and squeezed his genitals, and then requested that he perform oral sex.

According to The Daily Beast, cops later discovered copies of gay pornography in Williams’ vehicle—a detail that profoundly disturbed an unnamed deacon at the pastor’s congregation:

“It blows me more,” the deacon said. “Him touching the guy—that’s one of those deals where they each are saying something—but the video is physical…That’s there. I want to know why it was there.”

Concerning the pastor’s teachings on gay sex, the same deacon told Beast reporter M.L. Nestel: “He stood by the pulpit and said, ‘The Bible is clear on that. That’s sin; you’re going to go to hell for doing that.’”

Who could have seen any of this coming?

Photo credit: WLKY // h/t The Indepedent