Augustus Sol Invictus, Floridian former lawyer and current Libertarian candidate for Senate, once described himself as “of genius intellect,” “God’s gift to humankind where the English language is concerned,” and “everything you ever wanted to be.” Critics describe him as “a self-proclaimed fascist” and “absolute insanity.” One time, he killed a goat and drank its blood.

Other members of the Libertarian party, in an effort to disown Invictus and his calls for open revolt against the government, have repeatedly brought up rumors that Invictus participated in a pagan sacrifice. And now, according to the AP, he’s owned up to it: “I did sacrifice a goat. I know that’s probably a quibble in the mind of most Americans,” he said. “I sacrificed an animal to the god of the wilderness ... Yes, I drank the goat’s blood.”

The AP notes that he drank the blood in order to “give thanks” for a successful week of prayer and fasting in the Mojave Desert, so it’s understandable.

Invictus—who legally changed his name to the Latin for “unconquered sun”—was previously best known for a rambling, vainglorious “departure memo” in which he renounced his law degree, his educational institutions, and his U.S. citizenship, and declared a “Second Civil War.”

A fun excerpt:

Witness ye the glory of my life at 29 years of age: I have four children, each of whom should be the envy of every parent in the world; I have attained a Baccalaureate Degree in Philosophy with honors; I have attained a Doctorate in Law, cum laude; I have acquired licenses in the profession of law in the States of New York, Illinois, and Florida; I am scheduled to acquire two more such licenses in North Carolina & Massachusetts; I am Editor-in-Chief of a poetry journal; I run an independent publishing company; I have opened my own law office in downtown Orlando; I am an MBA candidate; and I have accomplished a few other things that will remain off the record for now.

Other Florida Libertarians say that “This guy has no place in the Libertarian Party.” But when was the last time you read a story about Florida Libertarians?

Good luck in your campaign and the coming war, Mr. Sun-God!

[Orlando Sentinel]