In New York City, where you can't go to your neighborhood pizza joint without being reminded of early childhood educational trauma and potential contamination, letter grades are in and casual dining with rodents is out. In a new move proposed by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., putting a letter grade on salons of all styles is potentially also in our future.

The restaurant grading system, which ranks establishments on an A, B, or C scale, was put into place for all NYC restaurants in 2010. In the front window of any eatery, the restaurant's grade (awarded from on high by the Department of Health) must be prominently displayed for all discerning diners to see. Diaz Jr. would like the same for nail salons, barbershops, and hair salons.

Via the AP:

Salons and barbershops are regulated by the New York Department of State, which has just 27 inspectors for the entire state. The department's Division of Licensing Services received 180 complaints against "appearance enhancement establishments" in 2014, spokesman Laz Benitez said. The most common complaint was unlicensed operators.

Officials at the division had no comment on the proposed letter grade system.

While other cities such as Los Angeles assign A, B and C grades to restaurants, Diaz said he is unaware of any jurisdiction that does the same for salons and barbershops. "We believe that we're setting the stage for this concept to happen statewide and certainly nationwide," he said.

The bill that was introduced on Wednesday would require the state to give permission for New York City to regulate and grade its barbershops, nail salons, and hair salons. The fear on part of the business owners is that this grading system will enforce regulations that small businesses may not be able to afford.

As Javiel Rodriguez from the Knockout Barber Shop in the Bronx told the AP, "A lot of barbershops look like garbage cans. It's a good idea to go there and give them a grade."

Me? I don't care. I like not knowing the shit I'm getting myself into.

[Image via AP]