All cat owners know that cats like to bring them things. Typically, these things are small dead animals, usually in pieces, because cats are evil murdering fiends from Hades. But on Sunday night, one cat in New Zealand decided to break the mold of his (or her) people, and bring home a small bag of marijuana.

According to Yahoo! News, said cat owner rewarded this behavior by immediately calling the police.

Officers said they found five grams (0.2 ounces) of cannabis, with an estimated value of NZ$150 ($130).

''You hear of cats bringing dead birds and rats home but certainly in my career I've never seen anything like this before," Sergeant Reece Munro told the Otago Daily Times.

''I guess you never really know who's keeping you honest these days, do you?"

Munro said the owner of the cannabis had not been found, although police were planning to check the plastic bag for fingerprints.

Given how useless most cats are, which is to say extremely useless, the owner's decision to forfeit this meager profit from the cat's daily business is inexplicable.

Not every cat can be a Hero Cat, of course. But Weed Cat, we think, deserves a place in the annals, surely. Or at least the annals of ca$

[Image via Shutterstock.]