Gender equality: has it gone too far?

Everyone favors equality, to be sure—but how can we call America “equal” when women are winning the battle to obtain college degrees? In The Census Bureau reports that in 2014, for the first time since recordkeeping began in 1940, more women (30.2%) than men (29.9%) over the age of 25 hold bachelor’s degrees.

Equality? I guess I’m “just a man,” but that doesn’t sound like equality to me.

For months now, American men have suffered under a system in which they are less likely to hold a college degree than someone who is exactly like them—except with a vagina. What do we say to our sons, who eagerly await a college education, as we look at this revolting landscape of statistically proven discrimination? “Sure, son, this is a free country, and you can do anything you want—unless you had the misfortune of being born a male, in which your sister is 0.3% more likely to attain a college degree in a timely fashion than you are.” Little wonder our young men are giving up and turning to the streets. Can we honestly say they are making a mistake? Or are they, in fact, accurately reading the cold hard statistical reality of the hopelessness of life as a man in America?

I’m all for giving everyone a fair shot. That’s equality. But when we wake up one day and find ourselves in a country where in a given group of 601 statistically representative college graduates over age 25, there are 3 more women than men, it is time to admit: our system is broken. And women are to blame.

[Photo of college campus—how many men do you see?—speaks for itself: Flickr]