The BBC published a report on a 20-year-old in Stockport, England who suffers from an extremely rare disease that causes her to sleep 22 hours a day and crave unhealthy foods. Beth Goodier, a normal-looking youth by any definition, has Kleine-Levin Syndrome, or "sleeping beauty disease," as it's more commonly known.

Sounds crazy familiar....

Goodier sleeps almost the entire day when she is feeling poorly. Interesting.... She is also known to crave unhealthy foods when she's in one of her spells. In one scene in the above clip, Goodier is in bed under the covers with a laptop and a package of ham in front of her face.

Can't say I haven't been there.........

Sufferers of KLS tend to begin struggling from the disease at fifteen and then it can last thirteen years after that, which sounds amazing. Goodier's mom quit her job so she could stay home and take care of her daughter but sounds like there's not really a lot for her to do except watch someone sleep.

Dream job.......

"It's nothing beautiful, it's nothing romantic, it's horrible," Goodier told the BBC. we get it......awful life....................

[h/t New York Post]