A woman in Maryland was taken to a hospital for evaluation after police found her pushing her dead 3-year-old son in a swing, The Washington Post reports.

“We think she was there as of yesterday,” a Sheriff’s Office spokesperson told WJLA on Friday. “We don’t know if she ever left during the night. It doesn’t appear that she did.”

Police responded to Wills Memorial Park in La Plata, Maryland at around 7 a.m. yesterday after a caller reported seeing a woman pushing a child in a swing for “an unusually long period of time.” From WUSA:

The 24-year-old mother and her son may have been at the park since the day before, officials said. When officers got to the park, they found the woman pushing the three-year-old in a swing at the playground. Officers noticed right away that the boy was dead.

According to authorities, the toddler showed no obvious signs of trauma. The Office of the Medical Examiner in Baltimore is scheduled to perform an autopsy to determine the boy’s cause of death.

As of Friday, no charges have filed against the woman.

[Image via WJLA]