A Maryland woman was arrested on Wednesday after allegedly serving milk to family members contaminated with dead skin shavings from her feet, Southern Maryland News Net reports.

According to court papers, 56-year-old Sarah P. Schrock had given her two victims milk around dinner time when one of them began to choke and “coughed up what looked like dead human skin.” From Southern Maryland Newspapers Online:

[Family member Jessica] Hurry also gagged, court papers state, and a witness found dead skin shavings in the milk after pouring it into a strainer.

Hurry told police that the suspect has dry feet because of diabetes, and that she “has trays in her room with the same kind of dead skin shavings that had come off of her feet,” according to a statement of probable cause filed by the deputy.

When confronted by police, Schrock reportedly “denied having any involvement” with the adulterated milk.

Schrock now faces charges of food contamination, second-degree assault and failure to comply with a court order, having previously been instructed to have no contact with Hurry.

[Image via St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office//h/t Crimefeed]