If His Royal Highness Bloomberg wishes to ban odorless, harmless water vapor from his most magnificent personal atmosphere, who are we to dare question his command?
Anti-smoking "advocates" (cultists is more appropriate) long ago lost any kind of moral high ground after they began using fake science to advance their ever-expanding restricting agenda and little by little they have dropped any pretense of being concerned about public health as rationale for their latest and greatest prohibitions. Now public enemy number one is a product that is about as close to being a "safe cigarette" as it gets. "Your right to exhale colorless, odorless water vapor stops at my nose" is gonna be their new battle cry no doubt.
Exactly. And when you defeat all of their health arguments they resort to saying that it "promotes smoking" because it looks like smoke. So, now we're banning things, with no evidence that they do any harm to anyone whatsoever, because we don't like the way they look. It's complete and utter nonsense. These anti smoking zealots are all in bed with big pharma who's profits from worthless nicotine gums and patches and pills are threatened by a smoking alternative that actually works. I quit a 20 year smoking habit using ecigs when every other FDA approved method failed me. People like Bloomberg would rather me go back to smoking.
Just an FYI, 90% (ETA: made up statistic) of public health advocates (the "anti-smoking zealots") like hospitals and doctors are for e-cigs for the same reason you mention - the ALA, ACS, and AHA are big, notable exceptions, true. They've got some corruption going on for sure.
But most medical professionals and realistic groups love e-cigs for the same reasons you both said. Safer for everyone, no second-hand smoke affecting kids, and easy stepping stone for those who want to quit.
I remember reading the herald-leader a couple years ago and there was an article about public health groups basically begging the FDA to keep a loose grip on e-cigs.
I kind of made it up. I'm a jerk that way. The ACS, ALA, and AHS are very broken organizations (as is Susan G Komen but that's unrelated). Those big balls of corruption are against it.
But those are really the exception to the rule in this matter, AFAIK. Let's be real. Most of the opposition is from Altria, RJ Reynolds and bros., because in an open e-cig market, revenue and profit margins are going to be much thinner than the cigarette market. They've stepped up their lobbying game, and you can bet the NYC city council is feeling the heat.
Oh my fucking God can we please get this guy out of office already? It's his last few months and he's just out of control. I swear I'm voting for Weiner or Blasio, between his manish lackey Quinn and Catsimatidis' wanting to keep Ray Kelly in power it's Weiner or Blasio 2014.
Even though Quinn is clearly Bloomberg's shitty lackey, calling her "mannish" just makes one look like a homophobe.
Candidates Bill deBlasio and Thompson are the two best choices, actually — I agree with many of Weiner's positions but clearly he comes up short in the area of self-control and good judgment.
Yes, lets prohibit e-cigarettes because we all know prohibition is the cure for every problem in the world.
Fuck Mayor Bloomberg. Can't wait until his time as mayor is up (this isn't the only reason why I'm mad at him btw).
If you can't stop smoking at this point, you are pathetic and weak. The herd must cull you.
I left cigs 10 days ago. If the urge hits me (usually after a meal), I just have a joint instead.