During halftime at last night's Lakers/Pelicans game in New Orleans, large, childlike adult Will Ferrell attempted a shot from half court and missed horribly, hitting a cheerleader in the head with the ball and knocking her over. While everyone surrounded the injured woman, Ferrell tried to take another shot and airballed it. He was then escorted from the stadium by security, with cameras rolling.

The (completely staged) scene will show up in Ferrell's next film, Daddy's Home, in which he plays an uptight stepdad desperately trying to be cool so he can compete with his kids' biological father, who is Marky Mark. (I'm assuming his forced attempts at being fun make him look like a dope for our amusement, and then he eventually wins the family over with a sincere gesture that shows they just needed him to be himself all along.)

Here's another angle:

Good ol' Will Ferrell, always making good ol' Will Ferrell movies. I'd say "never change," but he wasn't really planning on it.

[h/t Uproxx]