When the faceless editors of Wikipedia decide an article is not fit for public consumption, it’s gone, only accessible to the site’s top editors—at least, it was. But now we’re keeping track of all the articles Wikipedia doesn’t see fit to print, to present you with very best of the site’s weirdest and worst. Please, enjoy.

List of dropouts

This is the page you go to when you want to tell your parents that school is for assholes who never accomplish anything.

Best line:

Or rather, best dropouts according to highest level of education reached.

Grammar School:

Adolf Hitler

High School:

Nicolas Cage
Bobby Fischer


Enrique Iglesias, University of Miami
Alex Pareene, NYU (Note: not actually included in list but should have been)

Why it got deleted:

Wikipedia’s editors claim that “this is not a good article” and is “useless,” revealing a marked and alarming pro-school bias.

Why it shouldn’t have been:

School is for nerds.

Derek Ramsey (Wikipedian)

Derek Ramsey (or Ram-Man) is an early Wikipedia editor whose wildly important bot increased Wikipedia’s article count by nearly 40,000. The bot, dubbed Rambot, used free information from the 2000 census to make stub articles for every missing county, town, city, and village in the U.S.

Guess who made the article about Derek Ramsey.

Best line:

The real fun isn’t necessarily the article itself, but over on the deletion discussion page. Because this is actually Ramsey’s second attempt at getting his own biography up on the site, though he apparently found a friend to write the first (which was ultimately deleted as well).

And Wikipedia’s principled editor’s are in no moo. User EEng had this to say:

“Upon some of Cato’s friends expressing their surprise, that while many persons without merit or reputation had statues, he had none, he answered, “I had much rather it should be asked why the people have not erected a statue to Cato, than why they have.” -Encyclopaedia Britannica (1797)

Assuming you’re notable, you should have let someone else realize that and create the article. Eleven years + no article should tell you something.

Oh hell no.

Ramsey bites back by telling him that “someone else” already did think he was notable (his friend who wrote the first article), and that if Eeng wants to delete the article because he doesn’t like that Ramsey wrote it himself, the least he could do is play Ramsey straight.

To which Eeng is all, that article was deleted you idiot!:

This is getting weird. Your “someone else” link leads to an earlier AfD which was closed 1E, merge to History of Wikipedia — the opposite of your claimed “someone else already did this this was notable.”

Then Ramsey is like, yeah but someone cared enough about me to make it in the first place which is more than I can say for any of you assholes. But unfortunately for Ramsey, Eeng comes in with the mic drop:

“Your honor, even though the jury found me guilty my lawyer stands behind me, so at least someone thinks I’m innocent. That should count for something.”

And that, my friends, is only a fraction of the editor drama on this page, the totality of which I cannot recommend highly enough.

Why it got deleted:

For violating the Wikipedia’s “Oh no you did not!” clause.

Why it shouldn’t have been:

Ramsey seems like he needs this.

Mak Tower

Image: LWKP.com

Mak Tower is an proposed building in Mongolia that never got builded.

Best line:

Allow me to present the article in full:

An Proposed building never builded in 2014

Why it got deleted:

Because the building isn’t “real” and the article isn’t an “full sentence” and the editors of Wikipedia never learned to believe in the impossible dream.

Why it shouldn’t have been:

What if Oscar Pistorius had been told not to follow through on his dreams? [Ashley, what???]


Naoya Nomura

Naoya Nomura is a Japanese pro wrestler

Best line:

When Nomura joined his new wrestling team, Evolution, “He started to change his attire to Evolution colors and has yellow hair.”

Stay true to yourself, Nomura!

Why it got deleted:

Because Nomura hasn’t won any official awards yet. He certainly isn’t going to win any in the future with that kind of attitude.

Why it shouldn’t have been:

His tweets are great!

Gawker stands in solidarity with Naoya Nomura.