Donald Trump is already projected to win the state of New York—but who cares about that? The Democratic residents of Williamsburg certainly don’t. But among in that liberal wasteland, the battle to be crowned the GOP king by dozens-ish of conservative hipsters still rages on.

Who will win Williamsburg’s overpriced conservative hurt? We’ll be updating you all night long until we either find out or go mercifully unconscious. Whichever comes first.

Cruz was winning Williamsburg’s hearts for the majority of the night, but it looks like Trump is pulling ahead in both East Williamsburg and Williamsburg proper.

It’s still anyone’s game (maybe). Stay tuned.

Update 10:07 p.m.

Cruz seems to have secured South Williamsburg, which boasts a relatively large Cruz-friendly (but still hip!) Hasidic population.

But is that enough to win him the bicycle chain and bespoke juice container crown? Only time will tell.

Update 11:30 p.m.

The battle for Williamsburg proper is heating up, with Trump and Kasich just two votes apart.

There’s still four precincts left to go, though, so it’s still anyone’s game. And if you’re one of the unlikely Trump or Kasich voters centered in Williamsburg proper, let us know in the comments down below. We’ve got questions.