If you follow the inner workings of the media industry, you’ve probably read journalist Ryan L. Schuessler’s fairly devastating rant about the scrum of reporters and photographers in Ferguson, Mo. currently covering the August 9 killing of Michael Brown. In the course of stringing for Al Jazeera America, Schuessler witnessed:

  • “TV crews making small talk and laughing at the spot where Mike Brown was killed, as residents prayed, mourned”
  • “A TV crew of a to-be-left-unnamed major cable network taking pieces out of a Ferguson business retaining wall to weigh down their tent”
  • “Another major TV network renting out a gated parking lot for their one camera, not letting people in. Safely reporting the news on the other side of a tall fence.”

And this whopper:

  • “One reporter who, last night, said he came to Ferguson as a ‘networking opportunity.’ He later asked me to take a picture of him with Anderson Cooper.”

Schuessler won’t name the networks or the reporter. But we will. If you know who Schuessler’s talking about, hop in below or send us an email.

Update: The reporter treating Ferguson as a “networking opportunity” might be this guy.