Game of Thrones fans despaired in August that the Croatian film board had nixed a scene that was essential to Cersei Lannister's character arc (and also to televising actress Lena Headey's bare breasts). But after a compromise between the forces of religion and premium cable nudity, the scene was shot yesterday in Dubrovnik.

The film board had originally denied Thrones producers' request to film a naked Headey walking out of the Church of St. Nicholas, which had previously been the show's stand-in for The Great Sept of Baelor.

But it appears the show found a workaround: The film board reportedly granted permission to film in the streets near the church, as long as she wasn't naked inside the building itself. The church interior you'll see on the show is a fake set, TMZ reports.

But those hoping to see Headey in the buff may be disappointed anyway. Rumor has it that she vetoed any nudity, and the scene will actually feature a body double.

Here's a shot of the crowd turning out for Cersei's big moment while the crew shields her with a pink umbrella:

[h/t Uproxx, Photos: HBO, Instagram]