[There was a video here]

A special thing happened last weekend at the South Carolina National Security Action Summit: Rick "We Will Never Have the Smart People on Our Side" Santorum met an American citizen who makes him look like a champion of reason.

During a Q&A session with the former senator and presidential candidate, a woman whose media diet evidently consists of right-wing radio, nutty email chains, and Alex Jones' Infowars gave a long-winded rant that starts with well-worn old horses like questioning Obama's American citizenship and ends with a reference to a conspiracy theory about the president's alleged plot to nuke Charleston, South Carolina. As the contents of her speech ascend higher and higher toward dizzying heights of paranoia, so does the shrieking tenor of her voice.

A representative excerpt:

Why is the Congress rolling over and letting this Communist dictator destroy my country? Y'all know what he is and I know what he is. I want him out of the White House; he's not a citizen; he could have been removed a long time ago...

Ted [Cruz?] told me I've got to wait for the next election. I don't think the country will be around for the next election. Obama tried to blow up a nuke in Charleston a few months ago! And the three admirals, and generals. He has totally destroyed our military. He's fired all the generals and all the admirals that said they wouldn't fire on the American people.

To which Santorum replies, never specifically addressing the nuke thing: "I'm not a sitting member of the Senate, so I'm not taking blame for any of that stuff."

h/t Joshua Holland. Contact the author at andy@gawker.com.